Friday, September 3, 2010

Dish Rag Tag Udate #2

The boxes are in the mail and Dish Rag Tag has begun!!!! Now I am number 8 on the list of 10 so I will be one of the last to get the box but it is in the mail to the first person in my Team.  Our team name is Doggone Dishrag Addicts which happens to be the name I suggested!!!  I have already picked out what I am going to add to the box for Emily the person who runs this great fun, and what I will put in the box for the person who is #9 on the list. But I do not want to spoil the surprise till I send out the box in case they are reading this.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Let's have a GIVEAWAY!

Ok I received these from Clover for filling out a survey and I figured I would do a giveaway with them here. So here are the rules

1. You must subscribe to my blog. This will give you one entry

2. Favorite my Etsy shop. This will give you a second entry.

3. Post a comment to this post listing everything you did and your name on Etsy and your email so I can track them and contact you if you win.

I will make a list of all the names and how many entries you have and then number them and use a random number generator to pick a winner!

So what are the prizes????

1. 9” Clover size 7 (4.5mm) Bamboo premium Takumi knitting needles.

2. A retractable Clover measuring tape.

3. And finally a cute little Clover pin.

Thank you all for being part of my little giveaway I hope to do more in the future with much better prizes so stay tuned!  Opps I forgot to mention when the drawing will be done, which is on September 15th!

Dish Rag Tag Update

Friday will be the first day the box will be put in the mail and it is also the start date.  I am number 8 on the list so it will be going to 7 other people first.  I am so excited about being part of this.  I was in it last year and it was so much fun to get the box and see the dish rag and gifts in the box.  I will keep you all updated as to the progress of the box and when I get the box I will take pictures before I open it, after I open it, of the content and of the dish rag I make too.  Here is a link to Emily Ivey's website she is running Dish Rag Tag.  please check out her blog to see what is going on with all the teams.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Knit a long is born

Today on Ravelry Heidi was kind enough to start a KAL in the Sheep Shed Lovers group for my Off to the Races Scarf and Mary on Ravelry started a KAL for both of my Off to the Races patterns on her Ravelry group Fancy-Kitty kitten lovers.  I want to thank both of them for doing this it is an honor indeed.  If you are on Ravelry and would like to join either KAL, there are prizes involved, please join the groups and sign up for the KAL.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank you Heidi!

I know have a banner to use for my blog, etsy shop, forum on Ravelry and for advertising on Ravelry!!!

I want to thank Heidi Barret (she is Einsteinslogic on Ravelry) for making this for me she is my Angel!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The wrap is Done!!!

I am done it took me less than 1 day to do.  My needles where flying.  This is a picture of it blocking and drying now.  Tomorrow it will be sent back to knit picks!!!!  I am so excited at having a chance at being part of this program.

Sample knitting for Knit Picks update!

As you can see I was a busy bee last night.  I have 12 of the 17 lace repeats done on this wrap.  I may do more repeats but we will see when I get there.  I know this looks small but it really opens up once it is blocked.

I hope to be done this afternoon or evening so I can block it and put it in the mail Monday.

Dish Rag Tag

I have signed up for Dish Rag Tag again this year.  This is where teams or people pass a box across the country knitting up a dish rag and taking the one in the box to keep.  You also have to put a new ball of yarn in the box.  This is a fun thing to do and they do have prizes for the winning team.  I will post pictures of the box when it gets here and of what I am sending out and of course keep you all updated too!