Friday, October 15, 2010

Final Dish Rag Tag Update

If you click the title you will be directed to and then to her blog post which says MY TEAM WON!!!!  Yes the Doggone Dishrag Addicts won Dish Rag Tag 2010 and if you look down a few posts you will see the lovely dishes we will be getting!  Thank you to all my team members for making this an exciting and fun game!  I suggest everyone watch for next year and join in!  Emily thank you so much for hosting this every year, you are truly amazing!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Tuffet is coming!

I am happy to introduce my newest pattern that will be available in about 2-3 weeks.  It is the Shadow Tuffet and is part of a set which will be available in 3 parts or as a e-book type of thing with all 3 patterns in it.  The tuffet comes in 3 sizes 12" x 12", 18" x 18" and 24" x 24"!  The second pattern in this group will be throw pillows which consist of a bolster pillow and a square pillow and then the 3rd part will be a throw blanket.  They will all have the same cable pattern on them. 

Now for the even more exciting news!  Knit Picks is interested in a felted version of the Tuffet!  It will be called Felted Foot Stool and will be knit up in the 24" x 24" size and then felted!  They are sending me the yarn now and then I will knit up the sample and send it on to them for final decision!  As you know this will be my 3rd pattern with them as they are going live with my Off to the Races wrap in the next 2-3 weeks and they will be going live with my Ribbons of Love socks in the next 3-4 weeks! 

I also have a filet crochet pattern that will be coming out in the next week or so and will be available here and on Ravelry.  It is called Celtic Tree of life and here it is
There will be a set of 3 Celtic filet crochet patterns in total.
I am also thinking of doing this as a knitted throw blanket but I haven't worked on the pattern yet.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dish Rag Tag Update #5

Our box is on it's way to Emily!!!  Now we watch her Blog to see when she gets the box and which teams gets there first!  Our Box was mailed this morning by Laura!  Go Team!  Right now it looks like we are in first place!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Off to the races wrap wraps photo shoot

My Off to the Races Wrap photo shoot for Knit picks is finished and lookie here!




Monday, October 11, 2010

Dish Rag Tag Update #4

Well folks my group is in first place and we are waiting for the last member of our team to get the box, knit the dishrag and then send it on the Emily!!!!  By the way my team is The doggone dishrag addicts!  I went ahead and put all the teams widgets this time.  This has been such a fun adventure and being on the first place team has been fun but last year my team was in last place and I still had a wonderful time.  Please go to  so you can follow us and so you can sign up for next year!!!!  You will also get to see the prizes for this years winners!!!! 

A new week dawns

Hi everyone and happy Monday 10/11/10. Yesterday I went to my cousin Maura’s walkathon for Down’s syndrome. Lots of money was raised and everyone had a great time, the raffle had tons of great prizes but of course as usual even though I had $30 in tickets (part of which where my Mom’s) we won NOTHING AGAIN this year LOL.

My test patterns I have going are moving along great! The filet crochet is close to being done. As for the Tuffet well that does take longer. I will have the pattern for the pillows that go with the Tuffet ready in the next week or 2 and then I will start working on the throw blanket. I will also be doing a throw blanket of the same pattern that the filet crochet is!

My Off to the Races Wrap pattern should have had its photo shoot on the 8th which means the pattern should be going up on Knit picks by the end of the month. I am also waiting on pins and needles to see if they are taking my ribbons of Love sock pattern too, I should know by the end of this week!

Well I am off to go work on writing up my pattern for the pillows and work on the pillows a little bit and then I will be working on a sample I am knitting for another designer.

Have a wonderful Week!